How to Find an Emergency Dental Near Me in New York


Dental emergencies require prompt care, no matter if it was caused by tripping in Times Square or the dislodgement of a tooth. Maintaining a regular dental visit schedule is one way to minimize emergency visits and save yourself the stress.

People seeking dental emergency treatment typically visit hospital emergency rooms; however, urgent care clinics offer faster solutions and can treat common dental ailments, including:

Tooth Pain or Swelling

If you are experiencing tooth pain or swelling, do not disregard it. Swelling the gums or face around a painful tooth(s) is a severe issue and should be addressed as quickly as possible to prevent infection from developing further. A dentist will be able to prescribe antibiotics and other medications that will help alleviate the condition as well as provide pain relief.

While many believe a hospital emergency room can provide 24-hour dental emergency care, the reality is that hospitals are not equipped to manage dental emergencies effectively. Instead, you should seek help at a clinic such as Emergency Dental Pros; services across your city offer fast access to emergency dental treatment.

Tooth pain or sensitivity may come and go, but if it lasts several days, it should be addressed immediately by visiting your dentist. Delaying treatment could worsen your situation and even lead to other health concerns.

At your first appointment with your dentist, they’ll ask about any symptoms you’ve been experiencing and conduct an X-ray to identify any possible infections or other issues in the mouth. They may recommend a dental root canal procedure or other treatments to relieve pain if you suffer from severe toothaches.

An emergency dentist must be sought immediately in the event of an injury or accident, especially when there is pain associated with breaking teeth or jaws, such as in Times Square tripping and falling and breaking them as soon as possible after this occurs.

Infected Root Canals

Our endodontists specialize in performing root canal treatment quickly and effectively, using advanced equipment and knowledge. An infected tooth can cause severe pain, swelling, and other symptoms if left untreated; we have experts trained in managing such infections that will treat any infected tooth quickly and effectively.

Root canal therapy can relieve tooth infections that are painful and serious; the procedure involves extracting the affected tooth’s pulp, cleaning out its canals, and sealing them off using gutta percha filling material to keep bacteria at bay.

After your procedure, it is expected to experience pain or discomfort due to nerve irritation caused by the system. This usually subsides within several days, with over-the-counter pain medication being sufficient. However, if the pain persists or worsens over time or gets worse as time goes on, it could indicate an infection that requires additional root canal therapy treatment.

Root canal treatment can save an infected or decayed tooth from being extracted – the only viable option for dealing with severe infection. A root canal procedure can relieve tooth pain and other symptoms like sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures or biting pressure, providing much-needed relief. Furthermore, crowns can be placed over treated teeth to safeguard them and keep them from breaking or falling apart in the future.

Compassionate Endodontists New York/NYC is dedicated to providing you with top-quality care in an atmosphere of comfort. We offer a wide variety of dental services, including root canals. To schedule an appointment in Midtown East Manhattan today or book it online – call us or book it online – it will make your visit smooth and successful – we also accept most insurance plans! Our friendly staff look forward to seeing you soon!

Broken Tooth

When your tooth becomes chipped or cracked, it’s an emergency and needs immediate attention. Waiting can result in infection and increase pain levels significantly; finding and visiting an emergency dentist as quickly as possible is the best practice. Pick up any pieces that have fallen out and place them in a container of water or milk (do not attempt to reattach them at home using glue); rinse your mouth well to remove food particles; apply a cold compress or ice pack to reduce swelling; take over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol for any further comfort if necessary.

Some types of broken teeth can be more severe than others, significantly if a crack extends into the dentin layer and causes tooth sensitivity, cracked roots, or severe pain that does not go away quickly. Therefore, you must find an emergency dentist nearby and seek treatment immediately. To do so, look up 24-hour emergency dental services in your area and visit as soon as possible for treatment.

If the crack is limited to the enamel and does not extend into the pulp, regular appointments with your NYC dentist for cosmetic bonding or other solutions for crooked front teeth should be made. However, emergency dental services must be sought immediately if the pain becomes significant enough.

Cracked dentin exposes sensitive tissues and nerves to bacteria, which may necessitate root canal treatment. Since infections in the roots may spread to surrounding teeth and lead to their loss, most insurance plans cover these treatments, so you won’t have to pay out-of-pocket for their care; depending on the severity of your injury, you can receive fillings, crowns, or implants; your emergency dentist can advise which option best fits your situation.

Bad Breath

Most people experience occasional lousy breath after eating garlic or onions, but if your halitosis persists and doesn’t go away after brushing and flossing, you should visit your dentist to evaluate it further. Chronic bad breath (halitosis) could indicate an oral health issue like gum disease.

Hundreds of bacteria can cause bad breath in your mouth and throat that digest food into volatile sulfur compounds that release unpleasant odors when exhaled. Foods like onions, garlic, fish, and tobacco products may contribute to foul odors when exhaled; smoking products and dry mouth may exacerbate it further by decreasing saliva flow, which helps clear food particles away. Furthermore, respiratory tract infections, gastrointestinal disorders, or sinus infections can produce unpleasant odors that affect breath.

Stuart J. Froum, DDS, provides advanced harmful breath treatments at our modern office in Midtown Manhattan. Utilizing an Interscan Halimeter device, Dr. Froum will identify the source of your halitosis and devise a personalized plan to tackle it. Call our office or schedule your appointment online to begin treatment!