Categories: Health

The Health Ranger Report

The Health Ranger Report offers daily wisdom, commentary, and improvised entertainment from The Health Ranger himself. He dares to reveal the truth about natural cures, FDA censorship, and doctors, non-profits, and health “authorities’ astounding ignorance regarding health matters.

On August 3rd, Rangers located a 46-year-old from Wurtboro who had gone missing while hiking the Pouting Rock trail in the Neversink River Unique Area and found him climbing in a tree. Rangers administered first aid to his ankle before transporting him in a UTV to an ambulance service provider for treatment.

Missing Persons

On July 31st, the wife of a 67-year-old with early dementia reported him missing in Slide Mountain Wilderness. He had left his backpack parked at the trailhead to search for something. A search party searched the area without success.

Forest Rangers France and Mitchell responded to Moore’s Bridge Falls at 4:35 p.m. for reports of someone trapped in the water. Twin Cloves Technical Rescue Team and Ranger Foutch arrived by 6 p.m., carrying him safely and providing nourishment and clothing before transporting him by Hunter Ambulance to a local hospital.

On August 3rd, Sullivan County Sheriff’s office requested ranger assistance with an unidentified 46-year-old male who had gone missing near Thayer Preserve Lick Brook within the Neversink River Unique Area. Ranger Foutch located him and transported him safely.

Hikers Injured

On August 6th, Wild Basin District rangers and park staff were called out to assist 20 visitors, including a female 19-year-old visitor. While on a family hike from Flattop Mountain (12,324 feet), she became disoriented during their return hike; Rangers found her huddled inside an unprotected privy without a roof in near-freezing temperatures, unable to speak or move and hypothermic. Rangers transported her back to Laurel House trailhead, where warming therapy would be administered, and she was taken further on by Larimer County Search and Rescue to be transported to the hospital for further medical care.

Later that same day, a 23-year-old from Texas fell while climbing Arrowhead Peak’s Left Book formation and suffered an injured lower leg. Park climbing concessionaire mountain guides from Colorado Mountain School assisted him, Ranger-paramedic Ryan Schuster treated the injury, and Ranger-paramedic John Beh transported him by park helicopter to an area hospital for definitive care.

Park rangers responded quickly and decisively when a public member reported a man had fallen off Andrew’s Glacier on Longs Peak’s Andrew’s Glacier and sustained severe head injuries. Rangers quickly responded on the scene while arranging for a Geo-Seis contract helicopter from Ft Collins to transport SAR personnel and equipment directly to Loomis Lake, where R.M. could be reached more rapidly.

After being delayed by thunderstorms, the helicopter finally made it down to Loomis Lake, and four rangers and one paramedic from Estes Park Medical Center ambulance climbed a high cirque above it at 11,300 feet to help an injured man who had fallen. Ranger splinted his ankle before allowing him back onto a road where an ambulance could transport him to hospital.

Campers Struck by Lightning

At an outdoor education course in Wyoming, lightning struck and killed one camper and injured another. The group had been camping near Enos Lake when a thunderstorm rolled in; one camper suffered heart failure from being struck by lightning, while the other was treated for shock.

Campers often occupy remote and exposed areas, making them an easy target for lightning strikes. People are most commonly struck by lightning during outdoor activities like fishing and beach; camping ranks third for fatalities due to lightning. A direct strike can damage an RV, often leading to fires – however, if grounded properly with its electrical system protected, it could provide some safety.

Rubber tires on a truck camper do nothing to shield a person or RV from lightning strikes, which can carry up to 1 billion volts of energy, and even when lightning hits an RV, it needn’t hit directly for its electrical systems to be damaged.

RV owners need to understand what steps to take when storms hit. Staying away from bodies of water that act as conductors is wise, while trees that could fall if lightning strikes should also be avoided. Furthermore, power lines could become damaged from surges caused by lightning strikes; use a generator during severe thunderstorms so you can have an alternative source of electricity during an outage. This is especially useful if your RV contains television sets, internet services, and similar electronic devices requiring electricity during their use.

Bear Follows Backpacker

Bears are wild animals, so their behavior can differ from our expectations. While it’s wise to be wary of bear habitats and act cautiously around bears, most encounters can be avoided by traveling in groups and keeping a safe distance from wildlife and animal carcasses. To best prevent an unexpected bear encounter from occurring, travel in groups.

Other precautions to take when hiking include being wary around blind turns, loud streams, and dense vegetation. Traveling against the wind requires extra caution, which can mask your scent and make you invisible to bears. When encountering bears on your journey, always pause before continuing and observe both them and their environment – if one circles you or appears defensive, stop, assess its behavior, and act accordingly; if one advances on you rapidly or displays aggressive behavior – make sure it can see you before backing away slowly, speaking calmly in identifying yourself by speaking calmly while being prepared with bear spray should one appears necessary.

Hike in groups of four or more and transport all food in bear-proof food lockers or canisters. Keep all scented items and garbage away from campsites and natural food sources. Cook meals on platforms or bear-proof cooking shelters instead of at the base of trees to minimize bear signs like torn apart logs, tracks, paw marks, and claw scratches on trees; don’t leave food or trash behind in your car, nor place trash along forest trails or lake shores; report dead animals immediately to park rangers while respect park closures and group access requirements to allow wildlife the space required for survival.

Despondent Man Climbs Tree

Witnesses reported seeing a man wanted on a felony warrant scale a tree to avoid arrest. After being tased by deputies, witnesses say he scaled the 30-foot tree before climbing further up it before eventually coming down in handcuffs.

An emotionally distraught man climbs a tree to escape police officers who had just tased him (Photo credit: Dania Beach Police Department).

A spokesman indicated the man wasn’t considered dangerous; however, his actions attracted crowds, closed off streets, and led to the creation of @ManInTree on Twitter – creating an anti-flag Twitter parody account! His daylong standoff also impacted traffic as two bus routes – 25 to Portage Bay/Laurelhurst and 66 from Roosevelt/Northgate- diverted temporarily.

The Health Ranger Show exposes the truth about natural cures, FDA censorship, and astonishing health ignorance among doctors, non-profits, and “authorities.” Tune in for news and interviews from top alternative health industry figures such as Daniel Vitalis (Deer Antler Velvet and Colostrum) and Mike Adams (the Health Ranger). Please note this podcast was embedded in an open RSS feed; therefore, Podplay cannot guarantee its quality or provide any assurance.


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